Carrot juice is amazingly healthy for you.
It’s packed full of vitamin A making it great for your skin and hair and it’s got a big ounce of vitamin C making it awesome for your immune system!
Plus there is barely any natural sugar in them.
What other benefits does carrot juice have?
Let’s take a look!
In This Article
What Is Carrot Juice
To me carrot juice is any juice that is at least half carrot, if you’ve only used a quarter of a carrot in your juice then you’re probably not going to get the benefits I’ve talked about here.
Likewise if you have a juice made up of only carrot juice then you’ll get more of them.
I personally like a blend of carrot and orange juice for a fruity flavour and an extra kick of Vitamin C but to each their own!
You’ll still get the great benefits of carrot juice, and with that said let’s take a look at what they are!
What Are The Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice
1. Carrot Juice Is Great For Your Skin
As I said carrot juice is packed full of
According to Canyon Ranch Vitamin A helps protect against UV damage, encourages healthy skin cell production and fights free radicals.
Free radicals are the nasty little things that cause saggy skin and fine wrinkles to appear, they’re ever-present from things like pollution which is why it’s important to get something in your body that can fight them, which is where carrot juice comes in!
2. Good For Immune system
As well as the huge boost of Vitamin A which is great for the immune system you’ve got a healthy dose of vitamin c mixed in there as well.
As I said before I like to mix in some orange juice for an extra vitamin C boost and to help keep the immune system strong.
As an aside, It’s generally orange-coloured foods (like oranges you’ll be shocked to hear) that have a more vitamin C which is why for a balanced diet you should eat lots of different colors of fruit and veg.
3. Carrot Juice And Your Hair
Another benefit to all the Vitamin A you get from carrot juice!
It’s actually from something called Beta-Carotene (carotene definitely sounds like a made up vitamin of carrots but it isn’t… I checked!) which transforms into vitamin A in your body and helps lead to strong healthy hair.
Myth – I’m afraid it won’t help your hair grow back if you are already bald. It will just help to strengthen your hair and can slow down hair loss but it won’t undo the effects. Sorry!
4. Reduce Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease
It’s one of the biggest killers in the united states and includes everything that can go wrong with your heart from having an actual heart attack to a stroke and everything in between.
A study published in Biomed Central found that drinking 16 fl oz of freshly squeezed orange juice everyday resulted in an increased amount of Antioxidant capacity in your plasma and decreased the amount of lipid peroxidation which is thought to be a major cause of heart disease.
But what does that actually mean?
It means that drinking carrot juice is good for your heart is the long and short of it!
5. Carrot Juice and Weight Loss
Carrot juice and weight loss is a big question and one a lot of people look to, will drinking carrot juice every day help you lose weight?
Well there’s evidence to suggest it can, my thoughts are that you’ll be having fewer calories than a normal breakfast while getting twice the nutrition of a sugary bowl of cereal so there is a clear winner!
But what about the actual carrots themselves?
Well, a study was done in the British Journal Of Nutrition comparing the effects of purple carrot juice with a high-fat diet in the morning and guess who won?
That’s right, carrot juice all the way!
Purple Vs Orange Carrots
Have you ever seen a purple carrot?
Did you even know purple carrots existed?
Either way, they are real and are in fact super healthy! Perhaps even more so than orange carrots because they have higher levels of those Beta-Carotenes we talked about before.
I’m not sure why this is but if I had to guess it’s because purple carrots have been far less altered than orange carrots to cater for the mass markets. Orange carrots are the most popular so a lot of modification and experimentation has been done on them to get them growing better.
Purple carrots however aren’t nearly in the same demand so they’ve been largely left untouched and have been allowed to grow naturally.
The downside is that it makes them much harder to come by! So if you see any for sale be sure to snap them up and give them a try.
So now you know they’re great, but you need to get it, and you can either buy carrot juice or you can get yourself a juicer for carrots and start making your own.
Thankyou for your shared knowledge! I would like to know if daily drinking carrot juice will I retain my summer tan? Emma
Hi Emma! thanks for the question, unfortunately, no I don’t think so!