Not only is orange juice absolutely delicious but it is fantastically good for you.
A great source of Vitamin C as I’m sure you know but did you know there’s evidence that it can help prevent kidney stones? Or that it can lower your cholesterol?
Well it can, and it’s got lots of other health benefits that I can’t wait to share with you.
Read on to discover what they are.
In This Article
1. Anti-Inflammatory
Orange juice has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that could help prevent metabolic conditions which are things like high blood pressure, excess fat around the abdomen and high blood sugar levels.
This suggests that it could help with weight loss but it’s hard to say as the study is in the early days. It’s also thought that inflammation could be linked to depression so having a glass of orange juice could potentially help lift the fog from your eyes if you’re a sufferer of depression.
2. May Prevent Kidney Stones
Orange juice, while itself being acidic, can actually help alkalize your body, balancing its ph levels. This can help with all sorts of things in the body and is generally thought to be a healthier state than a body that is too acidic.
But specifically, having a better balance of ph in your pee means you’re much less likely to develop kidney stones. Which is definitely a good thing as kidney stones can be extremely painful to try and pass!
3. Good For Your Skin
Oranges are high in Vitamin C which is great if you want healthier, younger looking skin. The vitamin C helps create a barrier in your skin that stops it being damaged UV rays and other harmful things that are present in everyday life.
It can also help prevent wrinkles and sagging of the skin which comes from a breakdown of collagen keeping your skin bright and smooth. All round excellent for your skin wouldn’t you agree?
4. High in Antioxidants
Vitamin C is also a key antioxidant that can help protect you from free radicals which are a molecule that comes from things like pollution that actually tries to change all the cells in your body, it can even go so far as altering your DNA!
But it also works to damage your hair, your skin, your eyesight and pretty much everything else in your body, so having enough antioxidants in your body to fight them off and prevent them from doing damage is definitely a good idea.
5. Lowers Cholesterol
A study was done that showed people who regularly drink orange juice have lower total cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol compared to those who don’t regularly drink orange juice.
Bad cholesterol is the kind that clogs up your arteries and can decrease blood flow whereas good cholesterol removes this and sends it to the liver where it gets broken down and excreted or stored for later use because some cholesterol is fine, it’s just when it gets too much that the trouble starts.
A good delicious way to get your doctor back on side if they’ve been warning you about your high cholesterol!
6. High in Vitamin A and Great For Your Eyes
Oranges are a good source of Vitamin A which alongside Vitamin C is great for your immune system. But more to that, vitamin A is great for your eyes, it can stop them degenerating and prevent cataracts from forming when you’re older.
Carrots are another good source of Vitamin A but unfortunately they don’t help you see in the dark, that was a rumour started during World War II because the British troops had radar that let them see enemy planes from afar, but they didn’t want the enemy to know this so they started a propaganda campaign saying it was carrots that helped them see in the dark.
A fun fact for you that I bet you didn’t expect to read while reading this article!
7. Lower Risk Of Cardiovascular Problems
Folate and folic acids are both present in orange juice, if you’re pregnant I’m sure you’ll have heard all about it because it can help prevent birth defects but even non-pregnant people can benefit because of its ability to help prevent strokes and heart attacks.
If you’re already got high blood pressure then having a stroke is a serious issue that could be life-threatening. Fortunately, in America, a government issue was released to start fortifying grains adding in folate which has since helped to bring down the number of strokes but having a little extra isn’t going to hurt anyone.
8. Balances Blood Pressure
Orange juice is a source of potassium which works to counteract the negative effects of salt to help you balance your blood pressure and stop it getting too high. Because too much salt in your body means you retain lots of water and excess water can be one reason your blood pressure gets too high. So having less salt and more potassium is a great duo to combat this.
This works perfectly alongside the folate to help prevent heart attacks and strokes and keep you feeling healthy. Especially good if you have a stressful job which can lend itself towards high blood pressure, lots of little changes are what lead to a healthier life all round.
Is Orange Juice Pulp With Pulp Healthier
I’ve talked more about this in another article but the short answer is no, one isn’t healthier than the other, they’re just different. Pulp is essentially the fibre which works to help you digest your food and turn it into poop. But you get insoluble fibre which is what your body uses to absorb nutrients and that’s present regardless of whether or not there’s pulp in your glass.
But there’s also such a small amount of pulp in orange juice that I don’t think it makes a huge difference either way, just enjoy it how you like it!
Does Orange Juice Have Vitamin D?
A common question, and while oranges are ripened in the sun, unfortunately, they do not have any vitamin D in them. So you’ll just have to take a nice sunny holiday and drink your orange juice out in the sun to get your dose of vitamin D! What a shame I know!
Best Time To Drink Orange Juice
In the morning with breakfast is my favorite time to have orange juice, that way you get all the benefits throughout the day plus it’s a delicious way to start the day. But really any time is good because the health benefits are more long term than short term boosts in energy or anything like that.
Orange juice is more of a drink that should be regularly enjoyed to keep up the health benefits, not excessively enjoyed because there is sugar in it, but as part of a balanced diet it’s a great way to fight possible heart problems.
Fresh vs store bought
This is Juice Buff where we talk all about juicing so to me making your own is the best way to go because it’s fresher and free from preservatives, But store bought has its merits too.
Store bought orange juice is sometimes fortified so it’s got extra vitamins and minerals put into it enhancing the health benefits already present, plus it lasts longer and it’s a lot easier opening up a bottle than it is switching on the juicer.
But like I said freshly squeezed is free from preservatives, I know I like a chemical free diet, it tastes better, and you use less plastic because you’re not dealing with a plastic bottle or carton every time you drink it.
And if you’re interested in making orange juice then check out this article on how to make it, or have a look at the best juicers for oranges that I recommend.
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