Coffee is a popular drink all over the world. For the best experience, roasted coffee beans are grounded before preparing any drink. However, you may wonder if you can use Vitamix to grind coffee beans.
Vitamix will grind coffee beans. Vitamix grinders are one of the most durable in its category. To grind the coffee, put the roasted coffee beans in your Vitamix dry jar and run it for 10 seconds to get a coarse, aromatic coffee powder. For a finer grain, just run the machine for a few more seconds.
The article talks about coffee, grinding coffee through Vitamix towards preparing delicious drinks from coffee beans. Read on.
In This Article
Coffee Beans: A Background
Coffee beans are produced from seeds of Coffea berries. When the Coffea berry turns from green to red, they are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are roasted to various degrees to produce the required flavors.
The roasted beans are grounded and brewed in boiling water to produce the coffee beverage. Though coffee is usually served hot, it’s cold version is also common, particularly in the warmer regions of the planet.
The scientific names of the most common types of coffee are C. Arabica and C. Robusta. Coffee beans contain caffeine in small quantities. It acts as a mild stimulant and is considered healthy for adults if taken in small quantities.
Historically, coffee is said to have originated in the Kaffa region of Ethiopia. Way back in the 15th century, it was believed that the native Oromo people had first recognized coffee beans as a source of energetic drink.
It is interesting to note that folklore regarding coffee existed before this period as well. According to one, an Ethiopian goatherd noticed that the goats became excited and hyperactive upon consuming the coffee beans. Roasted coffee beans have been found in the Sufi shrines of modern-day Yemen, indicating their way of usage in those days.
In the present day, coffee is cultivated in over 70 countries. It is harvested in the equatorial belts of America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and India. Brazil is the leading coffee bean producer and produces about 35% of global consumption. Unroasted coffee is among the most traded agricultural produce in the world. It is also one of the most valuable commodities in the international market.
Coffee beans are produced by selectively picking the coffea berries when ripe. These berries are sorted, and their flesh is removed, leaving the seeds to ferment. Fermentation removes the slimy layer over the beans, and when it is over, the beans are washed with water. The wet beans are dried over raised platforms and packaged as green beans.
In the roasting process of the green beans, coffee is put in big drums with fire or hot air. The temperatures reach up to 200°C (392°F) which breaks down the starch in the beans into simple sugars, which are caramelized, turning the coffee brown to dark brown. This also makes the beans brittle and lighter in weight, as they lose moisture. At 205°C (401°F), oils develop into coffee beans, which gives them their distinct flavor and aroma.
How to Grind Coffee Beans With Your Vitamix
Vitamix is the ideal tool for grinding coffee beans. As we understood from the previous section, roasted coffee beans have a distinct aroma and flavor, making coffee a favored drink.
These characteristics in coffee are reduced or lost if heavily ground before using them. Vitamix grinders can help you overcome this problem by allowing you to grind coffee just before using it. In fact coffee giants like Starbucks grind their coffee in their outlets before preparing drinks for their patrons.
First, you need to choose the right container. Though any of the Vitamix containers will give you a satisfying result, it is better to go for the dry containers. The blades of the wet containers are designed to create a twister in the jar, which pulls the ingredients for continuous blending.
On the other hand, the dry container pushes the contents upwards or outwards. This makes the powder uniform powder. The wet containers, however, are suitable for making coffee-based smoothies and shakes.
You should grind coffee in your Vitamix blender in quick, short bursts. You should avoid running the motor for long durations while grinding your coffee. This is because it can heat the coffee, spoil its natural oils, flavor, and aroma since Vitamix blenders are designed to run at high speeds.
Continuous coffee grinding in your Vitamix blender can result in bitter tasting coffee.
Add a few coffee beans in the blending jar, cover it firmly, and run the blender in the burst mode. Check the grain size of the powder and the aroma coming out of the jar.
If the coffee is heated, run the blender for smaller durations. Add a few more coffee beans and grind them till you get your desired quantity.
Vitamix blenders are the right blenders for grinding coffee. The Vitamix blenders come with one horsepower motor that can pulverize any type of coffee beans thrown at it. It is a long-lasting, heavy-duty machine that has a cooling fan, in case the motor heats up due to any heavy load.
The Vitamix blenders come with laser-cut, strong and durable blades that can easily reduce your coffee beans to a fine powder. Even the jars are made of toughened glass fiber and do not get scratched while grinding the coffee beans.
It is also worth mentioning that Vitamix blenders have variable speed control, which you will find handy while deciding the optimum coffee grinding speed. You can experiment the first few times till you arrive at the correct speed to grind your coffee before use.
Just in case you want to be a pro at coffee making, Vitamix provides you an option of coffee grinders that you can easily get from the market. These specially designed jars help you make the right kind of coffee powder for all your drinks.
You can make iced coffee in your Vitamix. However, you cannot brew hot coffee in it. This is because the strong motor and the durable blades of the Vitamix blender can easily crush ice while making your cold coffee.
Simply pour in the ingredients, add the ice, and run it for less than a minute. You will have delicious cold coffee to beat the heat.
Since coffee leaves its distinct aroma in the jar, it is important to clean it thoroughly after use. Cleaning the Vitamix blender jar after coffee grinding is easy.
Fill it halfway with water and add dishwashing soap. Close the lid and run the blender for 60 seconds. The Vitamix blenders are made to be cleaned easily of any flavor or aroma after grinding coffee in them.
Coffee is made from coffee beans by drying and roasting them. This turns the slimy and wet green beans into a brittle, aroma filled, and dark-colored coffee beans.
To make the best coffee drink, you need fresh coffee powder. You can readily use the Vitamix blender for the purpose. You can grind coffee in small bursts using the dry jars.
You can also prepare cold coffee or coffee-based shakes and smoothies directly in the wet jars. Vitamix is truly a one-stop solution for all our coffee needs.
Here’s a quick recap of the post:
- Run the Vitamix for at least 10 seconds for coarse coffee, or 15 seconds for fine coffee grounds.
- Always rinse and dry the Vitamix after grinding coffee to prevent clumping.
- Never shake the Vitamix while it’s grinding coffee beans (or anything else, for that matter).
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