Juicing is very popular these days and is certainly more than just a fad. It’s so well known that fruit and veggies are super important in our diet and what better way to consume all those healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than in a delicious juice form?
People like us, who really care about their health and appearance need to know that the choices we make day to day are the best possible ones.
That’s why it breaks my heart when people attempt a juice cleanse without all the information. I had heard recently that a friend of a friend had tried a juice cleanse but didn’t get on very well with it. When I asked a few more questions it turned out that she had been drinking mass-produced, processed orange juice with added sugar!
My heart went out to her.
The real benefits with juicing come from drinking nutrient-dense, cold pressed juices that have been specially prepared with health in mind.
I can understand why people avoid these, the price tag can seem ridiculous.
You can make cold pressed juices at home really easily. It does require investing in a juicer and not all juicers are created equal. This handy guide aims to clear up any mystery surrounding cold-pressed juice so you can make the healthiest and super nutrient dense juice in the comfort of your own kitchen!
In This Article
Juicer Type
The most important thing we need to discuss before making cold pressed juice is the juicing machine. There are three main types of juicers out there and only two of these can be considered cold press juicers.
Cold Press (Masticating Juicer)
For cold-pressing at home, the masticating juicer is the most popular choice. As the name suggests, these machines grind and crush the fruits and veggies and “chew them up” before passing the material through a strainer.
The cold pressed juice is so-called because the machine doesn’t heat it up at all and the nutrients are all preserved to give good quality juice.
Due to the complex extractor and superior health benefits, masticating juicers are generally more expensive compared to centrifugal juicers.
Centrifugal Juicer
The centrifugal juicing process starts off with a blender type function. Fast spinning blades chop up the ingredients like it’s making a smoothie. Then the pulp is separated from the fresh juice using a fast spinner to create centrifugal force.
The issue with these types of juicers is that the spinning blades generate heat through friction as they chop up the raw ingredients. This may affect the juice quality and leave you with a less nutrient dense fruit or vegetable juice.
These machines are usually a bit cheaper and best used if you only want the juice for cooking not for a juice cleanse.
Hydraulic Press
These machines are the next level where it comes to cold pressed juice. The hydraulic press utilizes extreme high pressure to squeeze kale into green juice. These machines are perfect for getting every last drop of juice out of the fresh ingredients. The nutrients are well preserved and you get more juice per pound of produce compared to the masticating juicers.
The issue?
These machines can come in around $2000 so are generally only found in juice bars or restaurants rather than the kitchen counter!
Fast Vs Slow
When it comes to juicing, faster is not actually better. The centrifugal juicer cuts down the total time taken to produce fresh juice but the result may not be worth it. Certain vitamins (like vitamin C) are heat sensitive so degrade when exposed to high temperatures.
So if you’re looking to boost your immune system then maybe best go for a masticating juicer.
Hot Vs Cold
Cold-pressed juice is so-called because it hasn’t been exposed to high temperatures. One thing to be wary of when seeking out quality juice is the method of pasteurization.
Un-pasteurized juice, if not consumed quickly, carries severe health risks as bugs like e. Coli can rapidly grow in them. If you happen to be looking for cold-pressed juice in a grocery store then opt for high-pressure processing (HPP) pasteurization as this kills the bugs using pressure rather than temperature.
That way you get a proper detox juice, that is still full of nutrients but not full of bacteria.
Juice Recipes
Here are some healthy recipes to try at home. All of these are vegan and very good for you!
Leafy Greens
For this recipe, you’ll need 2 sticks of celery, half a cucumber, 1 bunch of kale, a handful of parsley, 1 green apple and a thumb sized piece of ginger.
Wash and roughly chop the ingredients and add them slowly to the juicer in the order listed. This is a great detox juice, perfect to get you back on track after a holiday or a night out.
Beetroot Boost
Beetroot is known to help improve exercise performance, lowers blood pressure and it protects your liver from toxins so this recipe is one to keep handy! The blueberries are also considered a superfood and are packed full of health-promoting antioxidants.
For this recipe, you’ll need 1 medium beet, 1 cup of blueberries, 2 green apples and a thumb sized piece of ginger.
Make sure you thoroughly wash all ingredients (especially the beetroot which also needs to be peeled to avoid that bitter, earthy taste!) and roughly chop the apples and beets. Add them slowly to the juicer and enjoy! This recipe is so rich and delicious, it sparkles on the tongue and I always feel so refreshed after drinking it!
Cold Pressed Apple Juice
A simple classic, perfect on a warm summer evening. Apples are super hydrating so perfect if you’ve had a sweaty day rushing about or just got back from an exercise class.
All you need is some ripe apples (anywhere from 4-8 will do), washed and chopped (you can remove the seeds if you like but it’s not essential!). Add them to the juicer and enjoy served over ice!
Any kind of apple you prefer is fine. I love the honey crisp, gala or red delicious when I’m in the mood for apple juice.
Immune Booster
If you’re feeling under the weather then this juice is perfect for you! Ginger and turmeric are great to help strengthen the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. Carrots are packed full of vitamins and are known to keep our eyes healthy.
For this juice you’ll need 3 large carrots; 1 stick of celery; 1/2 cucumber; 1/2 lemon; 1 apple; thumb-sized wedge of ginger; and the same again of fresh turmeric.
This recipe is so soothing and warming if you’re feeling less than 100% and helps keep those colds and flu at bay.
Take Home
Cold pressed juice is so-called because it hasn’t been exposed to any heat in the production process. This helps preserve all the important nutrients and vitamins found in fresh fruits and veggies.
You can make your own cold pressed juice at home but it does require a special appliance called a juicer. When choosing a juicer it is important to make sure it is a masticating one or a hydraulic press.
This one-off investment can save you lots of money on juice cleanses in the future and allows you to get creative with your juice recipes!
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