Most known for keeping away vampires but have you thought about juicing raw garlic?
The taste is something you’re going to have to get used to but the health properties of garlic can’t be argued with. Did you know if you have a daily garlic supplement you’ll get less colds? And if you do get one the symptoms will be over sooner!
Plus it’s been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure both of which are leading causes of death in the USA!
So there’s no doubt that garlic is good for you, but can you put it through your juicer? Do you have to peel it before you do? And how the heck do you make garlic juice anyway?
Let’s find out.
In This Article
Can You Juice Garlic?
In short, you can juice garlic because eating raw garlic is safe, but it has an incredibly strong taste so you might not want to juice fresh garlic to drink by itself.
So start small, you’re welcome to try a straight-up garlic shot if you’re feeling brave and want to completely blast out your sinuses but you’ve been warned it’s gonna burn!
No, start with a single clove of garlic alongside a load of other ingredients, I’ve got some recipes further down, and once you’ve gotten used to that, then you can look at upping the amount of garlic you can stomach.
But the taste isn’t the only reason you want to start small, garlic is intense in every sense of the word and eating it can cause you to get an upset stomach if you’re not used to such strong flavors. So go easy but know that no real harm will come from juicing garlic, it’s not one of the things you shouldn’t eat raw.
Do You Peel Garlic Before you Juice it?
Can you leave garlic unpeeled or should you peel each one before you juice it?
You have to peel your garlic completely before you juice it, I know it’s a pain but it’s a necessary evil to remove all the possible bacteria that might be present.
And yes I mean peel the outer white skin and the inner purple skin and then give the cloves a rinse before you put them through the juicer. They’re completely in the ground so you need to take care to remove all the possible earth and soil that might be present.
The best way to peel them is to squash them against a chopping board with the flat side of the knife, this separates the skin so you can more easily peel it away. It’s a small mercy but it will make your life easier!
Best Garlic Juicer
If you want to juice garlic, you’re going to need a juicer to do it in right? Well, why not get the best garlic juicer you can.
You’re going to want to get a masticating juicer for the garlic because it’s quite small and not the juiciest you want to squeeze every single drop you can out of it.
But at the same time, it’s not the toughest thing to juice so you don’t need to go too expensive either when you’re picking one out. Which brings me to one of my favourite juicers which is the Aicok slow speed masticating juicer.
Aicok Slow Speed Masticating Juicer For Garlic
- Cold pressed juice for more nutrition
- Capable with all types of fruit and veg
- Can make green juice
- Reasonably priced
The Aicok is a wonderful small juicer that easily makes cold press juice. You want cold press juice because more of the ingredients are locked in and the juice lasts longer up to 72 hours.
It’s reasonably priced at under $150 and of course, it’s ideal for garlic because the large amount of juice it manages to squeeze out of the produce you put in. But, it’s also great for every other type of juice you could want, it can make green juice, orange juice, carrot juice, you name it!
The only problem is that the feed chute is a bit smaller so you have to chop up the ingredients before you put them through, but this is good really because it makes sure you don’t juice whole oranges or accidentally send through any apple cores!
It does mean feeding through leafy greens like kale is a bit of a pain but it’s no big deal, you can still juice them and the extra time is only a few minutes on making your juice compared to a centrifugal juicer for garlic.
How To Make Garlic Juice
I’ve got a couple more recipes down below but this is going to follow the recipe for making an immunity booster shot.
- 2 carrots
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 lemon
- ½ inch of ginger
Step 1. Any good juice starts with preparing the ingredients, so let’s peel the ginger, the lemon and the garlic and then wash the garlic and the carrots under cold water.
Step 2. After that you can chop the carrots into better chunks for your juicer and chop up the lemon into quarters as well.
Step 3. Juice all the ingredients in the order of ginger, garlic, lemon then carrot. This is the most effective way and is the best way to make sure all the garlic juice comes through.
Step 4. Enjoy!
This makes 3 shots which are best drank fresh so you might need to find someone to share with but if you used a masticating juicer they last up to 72 hours so you can have one a day and keep them stored inside a clean bottle in the fridge. The lemon juice works to boost the immune system alongside the garlic in this drink, along with the great anti-inflammatory properties garlic has.
Garlic Juice Recipes
Just a couple more garlic juice recipes for you to sample now that you know you can juice it!
Green Garlic Juice
- 1 green apple
- 2 stalks of celery
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 lime
- ½ inch of ginger
The prep for this is pretty simple: you’re going to core the apple, wash the celery and peeled garlic, peel the ginger and the lime and get it all through your juicer! A great health boost with some strong flavours, add in more apple if it’s still too intense in the current form. I always stick to 1 not 2 cloves of garlic to keep the taste manageable.
Cold Beater
- 2 grapefruit
- 1 lemon
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 inch of ginger
This time is much the same you’re going to peel everything, give it a wash and juice it! This juice gives you that mega boost of vitamin C with the extra garlic power to help you stop getting a cold or if you’ve already got one to get over it faster.
Health Benefits of Garlic Juice
There are tons of benefits to drinking garlic juice, or having garlic in your juice might be a better way to say it. But I’m going to keep it to a few of my favourites here so you can know what to look forward to when you start juicing garlic.
Helps Fight Against the Common Cold
A study was done that actually showed a daily garlic supplement reduced the number of common colds people got by 63% compared to a placebo!
It also reduced the length of symptoms by 70% down to just a day and a half of symptoms. I tend to get quite bad colds so I know I need to up my game when it comes to my daily garlic!
Reduces Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can lead to some serious life-threatening health problems, so if there’s any history of heart problems in your family then you’re going to want to keep an eye on it, with a doctor of course.
Garlic can lower blood pressure as much as some prescribed drugs can! This is quite remarkable to me and makes it worth including in your diet if you’re worried at all about your blood pressure.
Prevent Alzheimer’s
It’s one of the biggest health crises of our time with an ageing population and more and more dementia creeping into that aged population. So we need to do what we can to prevent it long before it becomes a problem, and what better way to do that than with some garlic juice!
There is an antioxidant in garlic that can help protect against oxidative damage in the body, combine this with the blood pressure-lowering and cholesterol-lowering properties present and you’re on to a winner.
It’s not certain because a lot about Alzheimer’s isn’t known still but it’s certainly a step in the right direction.
Garlic Juice is wonderful, you can in fact juice it and now I hope you know how to make it and how it’s going to help.
It’s too strong a taste to just start adding to any old juice you’re making, but if you follow the recipes above you’ll get on great. And if you feel a cold coming on then try getting a garlic shot down you, throw in some lemon, ginger and a squeeze of honey for an even more effective treatment!
You can also use garlic extract to get the same effects and quite honestly you can use garlic pulp in your cooking too.
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