There is nothing worse than taking a big drink of what you thought was going to be fresh, homemade juice, only to get a mouthful of old kale that’s past its best. There’s even a chance that if you’re reading this, then you’re deciding right now whether or not your fresh juice is okay to […]
Is It Healthier To Drink Orange Juice Without Pulp?
When it comes to fruit juice, there is really only one debate that matters: pulp or no pulp? And this never comes to light more than when orange juice is on the menu. Personally, I prefer smooth orange juice, I don’t enjoy the pulp. Pulp or no pulp, the big debate continues. I personally like […]
Can You Eat on a Juice Cleanse and What Can You Eat?
Drinking down a delicious smoothie in the morning for breakfast, or chugging down a kale, ginger, carrot juice for lunch? These are all parts of a juice cleanse that will help build your immune system and improve your health and weight loss. Can you eat on a juice cleanse and what can you eat? It […]
Wondering How to Get Extra Protein While Juicing? Find Out Here
Lots of people are not aware that there are other sources of protein besides meat and dairy products. Besides, if you are looking to cleanse your body, going on a juice fast doesn’t mean compromising on your usual balanced diet. But how do you ensure that you get adequate amounts of protein in your juice […]
Can Your Vitamix Blender Go in the Dishwasher?
The Vitamix brand has earned its top-tier reputation by delivering high-quality kitchen products for decades. Just like any household appliance, you want to make sure your Vitamix blender is clean and you know how to take care of it. Can it go in the dishwasher, though? Your Vitamix blender can not go in the dishwasher. […]
Can Blenders Be Used As Food Processors?
There seems to be a separate appliance for everything these days. I can’t be alone in the struggle of where to put all these machines? My kitchen has a good amount of counter space but this is quickly obliterated when I start cooking and all the blenders, choppers and mixers come out. Before I invested […]
Is A Juice Cleanse Worth It? Yes They Are, Here’s Why
Day 1 of my first ever juice cleanse, these were my thoughts… “I’m feeling so irritable, my stomach hurts, why did I even bother with this?” “There’s no way I’ll get through this, I’m probably not strong enough to do this!” “I wish I could just have one chocolate bar… oh how I miss sugar!” […]
Why Is Cold Pressed Juice So Expensive? (Is It Really Worth It?)
Juice cleansing is hugely popular with annual sales of juice topping $30 million for one New York city juice bar. With so much choice when it comes to diet these days it seems mad that fruit and vegetable juice is making so many Americans dig into their wallets. Compared to buying whole foods, cold pressed […]
How Much Wheatgrass Juice Should You Drink Per Day?
The latest health food that has really had an impact on me and my overall well being came as a huge surprise to me. I was visiting a friend in an unfamiliar city and had just arrived to meet her on a busy shopping street. I was an hour or so early and the hustle […]
How Long Should You Do A Juice Cleanse – What’s Best For You?
So you’ve decided you like the idea of a juice cleanse but are not sure it’s for you? How long should you actually do a juice cleanse? The answer depends on you! There are loads of benefits to juice cleansing but it can also be hard going. If it’s your first time cleansing it’s best […]