A smoothie is a fresh and delicious option for breakfast or any time of the day really. They’re so easy to make and versatile, there’s bound to be many options that will satisfy you. The obvious choice of ingredients when it comes to smoothies is fresh fruit. Although super healthy and delicious, fruit on its […]
Do You Peel Carrots Before Juicing? (A Carrot Preparation Guide)
Carrot juice is a staple in any one’s juicing regime, it’s one of the first ingredients I ever juiced along with some orange, apple, and ginger and it’s where I tell most people to start if they’re new to juicing. But how are you supposed to prepare carrots? Do you peel them before you juice […]
Can You Juice An Avocado – Everything You Need To Know
Avocados have become pretty common in the past few years. There are few places you can go for lunch or online without either seeing them on the menu or hearing someone talk about how great they are. If you’re a fan of juicing, then you’re probably wondering if you can use your favorite fruit (yes, […]
Can You Put Water In A Smoothie?
Smoothies are a delicious and versatile way to include more fruit and veggies in your diet. We all have our favorite smoothie recipes and whether you like kale or kiwi, banana or mango there’s one thing that’s essential to bring a smoothie together. The liquid base. Without some liquid added a smoothie ends up very […]
Can You Juice Strawberries? Everything You Need To Know
If you’re a fan of juicing, you may have wondered if you can juice strawberries. Juicing is a popular way of extracting vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables, but it works better with some produce than others. Ripe strawberries can be juiced and combined with other fruits and vegetables. However, some of their key […]
How Much Juice is in One Orange – Everything you need to know
We’ve all been there before. You’re reading your favorite recipe and get to this ingredient: “the juice of one orange”. Unfortunately, you only have a carton of orange juice in the fridge and don’t want to buy a whole bag of fresh oranges. Luckily for you, I’ve got you covered. I’m here to tell you […]
When Is The Best Time To Drink Juice? Is It Morning Or Night?
Green juice is definitely having a moment. It does amazing things for your energy levels and overall health, which is what a lot of us are looking for from our juicing adventures. So once you’ve gone to the effort of making your favorite green juice, when is the best time to have it? Is it […]
3 Best Oranges For Juicing – Enjoy The Best Homemade OJ
There’s just no comparison between freshly squeezed orange juice and store-bought orange juice, but do you know what makes it taste even better? When you’ve got the best oranges for juicing. The 3 best oranges you can juice are Valencia oranges because they’re in season almost the whole year. The naval oranges because there are […]
Do You Peel Ginger Before Juicing? What About Turmeric?
When you’re just starting out on your juicing journey, some fruits and vegetables are easier to get the hang of than others. Like apples. When you juice an apple you rarely find yourself second-guessing how you should go about it and most people know that you can juice them with their peels on – it’s […]
Juicing Oranges and Lemons – To peel or not to peel?
Juicing Oranges and Lemons – To peel or not to peel? Wondering whether or not you need to peel your orange before you stick it in your juicer? I did the same thing! I was juicing away with my orange cut into quarters then started to wonder… Juicing oranges with peel, is this a good […]